
Monday, November 29, 2010

November 29th - Like Mother, Like Daughter

I realize more and more each day that I am my mother's daughter. Even while decorating my tree, I know that I am more like her than not. Growing up, our tree was decorated with ornaments passed down through the generations, ornaments collected from our travels, and of course, ornaments created by my brother and me in pre-school (milk cartons, popsicle sticks, and globs of Elmer's glue seemed to be the main ingredients). There was no "theme" tree for us - our tree was about our family and our life together.

Flash forward to today: my tree is decorated with my travel ornaments (I began collecting on my trip to Europe a few years ago), S'mores, and skates/skaters. There's no real theme - just ornaments that represent where I've been, what I like, and who I am.

(Yes, I realize this is my third tree-related picture in a row. The Christmas tree is a big deal - just ask my mom.)


  1. That's the way I have always decorated our tree, too. Each ornament brings a flood of memories along with it!

  2. Our Christmas tree is the same way! (Shocker!) I love that my tree is also like it's own little scrapbook. A lot of the "ornaments" on our tree area also non-ornaments (keychains and bottle openers find their way there from special places), my baby rattle is on the tree, etc, etc. Love it.
